
My art work is informed by my love of literature, especially poetry. Whether responding to the giants of the canon, such as e.e. cummings, Wallace Stevens and Rainer Maria Rilke, or to the work of writers with whom I collaborate in real time and space, language is my primary catalyst. These dialogues are a shared journey, a conversation in art. Communications between my writer-partners and me are supplemented by email correspondence. Along with the poems and images, ideas, questions and answers are also exchanged, which, in turn, generate new thoughts and work.

In the fall of 2000, I was an artist-in-residence for five weeks at the Grafikwerkstatt in Dresden, Germany. This program, a yearly exchange among two Ohio printmakers and two from Dresden, is hosted in Cleveland by Zygote Press and is sponsored by the Ohio Arts Council. Materials gathered at the local Saturday flea market became fodder for my collage grist mill as I began incorporating the German language as element and idea into my work.