
Geof Huth is a visual poet who lives in Schenectady, New York. His
visual poetry has appeared in dozens of exhibitions and innumerable
small magazines across the globe. He speaks and writes frequently
about visual poetry, especially on his weblog, "dbqp: visualizing
poetics." Huth recently edited "&2: an/thology of pwoermds," the first
anthology of one-word poems. His micropress dbqp, founded in 1987,
publishes minimalist, visual, and conceptual poetry.


&2: an/thology of pwoermds (Port Charlotte, Fla.: The Runaway Spoon
Press, 2004).

Analphabet (Burning Press: Lakewood, Oh., 1993).

Dachau: afterwards (revised edition reprinted by IZEN: Athens, OH, 1995).

The Dreams of the Fishwife (Xerolage # 17; Xexoxial Editions: Madison,
Wisc., 1989).

ghostlight (second revised edition reprinted by Runaway Spoon Press:
Port Charlotte, Fla., 1990).

Interior Definitions (fingerprinting inkoperated: Vancouver, 1992).

Peristyle (emPo Publications: Seattle, 1989).

To a Small Stream of Water (or Ditch) (Standing Stones: Old Hickory,
Tenn., 1992).

vision: an exterpretation of the phaistos disk (dbqp: Schenectady, N.Y., 2002).

wreadings (Runaway Spoon Press: Port Charlotte, Fla., 1987).


dbqp: visualizing poetics

One Million Footnotes

qbdp: the mailartworks


I created each of these poems specifically for the "Vispo" exhibition
in Miami. "The Drunken e" came into existence through a multi-step
process of arranging cardboard letters, scanning them, and
manipulating the scanned image. The other pieces I created in a single
day by using my long-dormant calligraphic skills to form poems that
included asemic and verbal textual elements. These calligraphic poems
allowed me to find joy once again in spreading ink across a page and
watching it dry